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7 Benefits of Coconut Water for Pregnant Women |
Every married couple will definitely want
to have children as their next generation. There is a phase that must be passed
to obtain a child, namely pregnancy. During pregnancy the mother should really
keep his health, since he also has the responsibility to maintain the health of
the fetus in her womb.
Ideally, pregnancy lasts for 9 months 10
days. With a time not less than one year of a pregnant woman is required to
always run a healthy lifestyle, such as inadequate intake of nutrients needed
by pregnant women and the fetus, enough rest and exercising regularly
(recommended for light exercise. If already implementing a healthy living every
day, likely the process will run with normal labor with the condition of mother
and baby healthy.
There are many foods and beverages that can
be selected to complete the intake of nutrients needed by pregnant women.
Therefore, pregnant women should make sure each of the nutritional content of
food and beverages to be consumed. One type of beverage to be consumed by
pregnant women is coconut water.
Based on information taken from
hamil.co.id, in coconut water are substances and compounds that are useful for
pregnant women. Among them is the fiber, protein, carbohydrates, folic acid,
nacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K,
potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and many more
content of other nutrients , [1]
Thus, it's no wonder the coconut water is
touted to have many benefits for pregnant women. Therefore, know some of the
benefits of coconut water for pregnant women who dianalisir of bidanku.com.
This is the benefits of coconut water for pregnant women:
1. Role As Natural Diuretics In addition to
refreshing as a drink, coconut water also acts as a natural diuretic that is
sterile and coconut water has also been shown to accelerate the process
excretion of urine that can help heal the urinary tract.
2. Energy Booster As a natural isotonic
beverage that is rich in minerals and electrolytes, water head serves to avoid
dehydration and can be used to increase energy pregnant women that are not
easily feel tired.
3. Assist Digestion During Pregnancy During
pregnancy, the placenta of women will produce the hormone progesterone can make
the function of the stomach becomes blocked, resulting in muscle contraction
digestive system becomes slow. For increased, can be done by drinking coconut
4. Increase Good Cholesterol Coconut water
has no cholesterol and have a fat content in small amounts. Thus, coconut water
has the ability to increase levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
5. Creating a Healthy Body Being lauric
acid found in coconut water. The lauric acid content has the same
characteristics in common with the ASI, which is as an anti-bacterial,
anti-viral and anti-virus, so it will make the mother and fetus free from the
threat of disease.
6. Removing Toxic Substance in the Body
natural diuretic properties owned by the coconut water has the ability to
remove toxic substances in the body in the form of urine, so that the mother
and fetus body free from toxic substances that are harmful.
7. Clearing Air Membranes Consuming coconut
water in months 6-9 of pregnancy can clear amniotic fluid, so that the delivery
process to be smooth.
Thus, it can be concluded that coconut
water regularly consume beneficial for health of pregnant women and can assist
optimal fetal development and can make the fetus grow healthily. Coconut water
is recommended to be consumed by pregnant women is coconut water because it has
the nutritional content and benefits more than the water that comes out of an
old coconut.
Although coconut water has many benefits
for pregnant women, but you should not consume excessively. Consuming coconut
water excessively during pregnancy can cause flatulence, causing an
uncomfortable feeling because the stomach will feel full or fullness.