5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Things You Need to Know

5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Things You Need to Know
5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Things You Need to Know
Among the kinds of leaves of herbs, leaves most recognized by the public is guava leaves. Since ancient times to the present guava leaves can be trusted to cope with diarrhea and several other health problems. If consumed leaves have a sense that sepet and tasted slightly bitter on the tongue. However, if you do not like the taste when consumed directly guava leaves can be made into tea leaves of guava or guava leaf herb that has good taste.

Analyzing information from sehatalamiku.com, in guava leaves are substances such as vitamin C, an antioxidant, quercetin, flavonoids, fiber, tannins, chlorophyll and many other content. What is meant here is the guava leaves, not the water guava leaves and leaves of cashew nut / cashew. Of all the content that is owned by the leaves of this, it is no wonder that guava leaf has been used as a herbal leaves to treat a number of diseases since the days of our ancestors.

After knowing the content in guava leaves, the following will also be explained about the benefits of guava leaves along the way of making manfaatobat.blogspot.co.id taken from the site. As for some of them, are as follows:

1. Treating Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a condition of the digestive system that is not controlled so as to make a bowel movement and cause excessive abdominal pain was quite intense. To overcome this can be done in the traditional way, using guava leaves. As for how:
- Take 5 leaves of beans, 1 piece of guava tree roots, one-piece rods guava trees.
- Boil all ingredients into 1.5 liters of water to boiling, strain the water and then drink 2 times a day.
-There Are other ways that can be done to treat diarrhea with guava leaf, which is chewed guava leaves are still young that have added salt, swallow the water and discard the waste.

2. Treating Masuk Angin
As the name implies, the disease caused by the body's cold feel too much wind in it. Because the wind can not be released by the body in the form of gas or ketut, akibitanya stomach will feel bloating, fullness, nausea and vomiting. To treat colds can be done by using guava leaves, how:
- Take 10 pieces of guava leaves are still young, 3 pieces of tamarind, 1 piece of brown sugar / palm sugar, 1 piece of red pepper and salt to taste.
- Boil all the ingredients into the pan containing 1 liter of water, allow it to boil, strain and drink the cooking water 2 times a day.

3. Treating Ulcer Disease
Ulcer disease caused by uncontrolled production of stomach acid so that the stomach becomes aches and pains. Ulcer disease can be treated using guava leaves, the weave is as follows:
-Take Young guava leaves as many as eight pieces, boil the leaves with 1 ½ cups water to boil, when cool strain and drink the water.

4. Treating Thrush
Sprue is a disease that often occurs in the mouth, especially on the inside of the lips. Although it is a mild disease, sprue must be overcome so that the process of eating and drinking are not disturbed. Here's how to make potions to treat thrush guava:
- Prepare 1 handful of guava leaves are still young and 1 piece of bark guava.
- Boil all ingredients using 2 cups water to boil, then strain and drink four hours until healed.

5. Treating Dengue
Dengue fever or dengue is a serious type of disease, the disease is caused by viral and bacterial infections caused by mosquito bites. There are natural ways that can be done to cure this disease, namely by using a concoction of guava leaves. The way is:
- Take guava leaves as many as 5 pieces and boil with 2 cups water to boil as much.
- Filter and drink the water 4 hours to recover.

When making these ingredients, be sure to have chosen the guava leaves are young and fresh. Do not forget to wash it with water first before using it. In order to obtain maximum results, consume on a regular basis as directed until cured

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