8 Benefits of Fruitstar For Healthy Body

8 Benefits of Fruitstar For Healthy Body
8 Benefits of Fruitstar For Healthy Body
As a tropical country, Indonesia is able to land in a place or an ecosystem of various plants and herbs, so as to produce various types of fruit are tasty for consumption.

Starfruit is a type of fruit that has a high water content so that it feels fresh when consumed. There are many types of carambola, star fruit include sweet, sour star fruit, starfruit bangkok (large sized) and many more. Although the workshop is tasty and fresh fruit for consumption, but does not make the leatherback popular as other local fruits.

Most people do not like star fruit to be eaten directly, so starfruit more processed into a variety of refreshing drinks and is also used as a flavor enhancer in the food component. In fact, if further reviews starfruit has nutrients that are not less good with other local fruit, so it is very unfortunate if there are many people who do not like it.

This is evidenced by information taken from various sources. The site revealed that the star fruit are high vitamin C content of approximately 45% - 57%. There are the content of other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, minerals, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and fiber content has fitronutrien (gallic acid, epicatechin, quercetin). Star fruit also has a low calorie content in 100 grams because there are only starfruit calorie content by 31 kcal.

because all the nutrients that are owned by this star fruit, makes this fruit has many benefits for health. For more details, let's look also some benefits for health eating star fruit, including:

Preventing Cancer Cell Growth
High content of vitamin C in the starfruit can be used to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Reduce Cholesterol Levels in Blood Evil
Pectin substances in it have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood because the pectin can bind cholesterol and remove bile acids as their secretions. [2]
Digestive System launched
High fiber content in these fruits can help the digestive system in the body that is free from the risk of constipation and bowel obstruction.
Maintaining Healthy Skin
The content of antioxidants in it consisting of flavonoids, vitamin E and vitamin A can maintain skin health by counteracting the effects of free radicals role of sun exposure.
Maintain Eye Health
Although the star fruit does not have high levels of vitamin A content, but the fruit can also be consumed to maintain eye health and improve vision.
Preventing and Overcoming Disease Anemia
Anemia is a disease caused by the body has red blood cells are less. Consuming leatherback can be used as a solution because it constitutes an iron content which can be used to produce red blood cells in large quantities.
Can Lose Weight
Earlier, we explained that the star fruit is a fruit that has a little calorie content so that they can lose weight and can be consumed as a complement to a healthy diet.
Boost Immune System
The content of vitamin C in it can enhance the human immune system. This is due to the high content of vitamin C in the star fruit can help the formation of white blood cells that function as anti-immune or immune system.
In addition to delicious to eat and have many benefits, starfruit is also not a seasonal fruit so it is easy to obtain. To get this fruit does not need to spend a lot of money, because it's per kilo priced at a relatively cheap price. However, if you want to consume this fruit at any time suggested to plant their own tree at home perkarangan. Caring for star fruit is not difficult and complicated to do. If the rainy season, star fruit trees do not need watering every day because if too many get water easily fall out of star fruit and perishable.

10 Benefits and Nutrition of Seaweed for Health

10 Benefits and Nutrition of Seaweed for Health
10 Benefits and Nutrition of Seaweed for Health

Seaweed is one of the organisms present in the sea. Not all types of seaweed can be consumed by humans because there are several species of seaweed are poisonous. Kombu, wakame, hajiki, nori and arame are the kinds of seaweed can be consumed by humans. Therefore, many people who live in coastal areas who work as farmers seaweed. This is because they cultivate seaweed and harvest when the harvest time to sell in the market.

If viewed and explored, Indonesia has abundant riches under the sea with breathtaking views. Indonesian seas have coral reefs are healthy and beautiful, so invite a lot of tourists come to witness firsthand the beauty that the sea Indonesia. Not only beautiful, the sea Indonesia also has natural resources that are useful to support human life. One of them is sea water which has a salty taste can be processed into salt as a seasoning component of a food supplement, fish can be consumed and seaweed which can be processed into a variety of culinary delights.

Seaweed is one of the organisms present in the sea. Not all types of seaweed can be consumed by humans because there are several species of seaweed are poisonous. Kombu, wakame, hajiki, nori and arame are the kinds of seaweed can be consumed by humans. Therefore, many people who live in coastal areas who work as farmers seaweed. This is because they cultivate seaweed and harvest when the harvest time to sell in the market.

Seaweed can be processed into a variety of food and drink delights, such as ice seaweed, agar-agar, stir-fried seaweed, seaweed noodles, sushi, seaweed snacks and much more. However, who would have thought that many marine organisms use to make jelly, it is also has abundant benefits.
Based on information taken from gudangkesehatan.com, seaweed has many nutrients that are composed of amino acids, enzymes, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. In addition, there are the nutrient content another consists of as much as 3% fiber, carbohydrates as much as 8.5%, the water content of as much as 5%, 33% protein, and many other nutrient content.

Thanks to all of the nutritional content makes seaweed has many advantages for the health of the body. For more details, let's look at information about the benefits of seaweed:

1. Prevent Cancer
In the marine life there are high antioxidant content that has the ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells caused by the effects of free radicals.

2. Lose Weight
Seaweed does not have a high fat content and calories, because for one serving of seaweed just calories as 20 kcal. Therefore, the seaweed is suitable for consumption as one component of a healthy diet.

3. Set Hormonal Function
The content of iodine in it has an important role in the metabolism and the body's physiological meensintesis hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

4. Lowering Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
When consumed, the seaweed will turn into a gel to help the digestive system in the body. With these functions useful grasses to prevent the body to absorb sugar and cholesterol in excessive amounts.
Issued Poisons in the Body

5. Seaweed has the ability to transform toxins in the body into simple salt that is friendly to the body and chlorophyll content in it can help the detoxification process.

6. Maintain Healthy Skin
The content of vitamin E and vitamin C in it has the ability to maintain healthy skin to look brighter, softer, firmer and smoother.

7. Maintain Bone Health
Thanks to contain vitamin D and vitamin K in it, eating seaweed can provide benefits for bone health, strengthens bones and can help with maximal bone growth.

8. Accelerating Wound Healing
In the seaweed contained vitamin C which also serve to accelerate the wound healing process.

9. Boost Immune System
Vitamin C also has an important role, which is to enhance the immune system or immune system by helping the formation of white blood cells in the body.

10. Make Being Healthy Body
Because of the salt content in it can make seaweed as a salt substitute that is used for cooking, so that seaweed can make the body more healthy than using iodized salt is high.

Despite the many benefits of seaweed that we can get after taking it, but still consume wisely, that consume seaweed in reasonable portions. Do not take things very much because it will berbengaruh in our body that are not good,

8 Benefit Strawberry For Healthy Body

8 Benefit Strawberry For Healthy Body
8 Benefit Strawberry For Healthy Body

Although strawberry is not the kind of fruit that comes from the state of Indonesia, this fruit has a lot of fans and much liked by the people. In the country of Indonesia, the fruit is classified in the group as berries have a lot in plants at high altitudes as in the city of Malang. This is because the strawberry tree suitable to be planted in a cool temperate.

Experts say that the strawberry fruit is rich in nutrients which consists of various vitamins (A, B1, B3, B6, C and K), folic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium, potassium, beta-carotene, iron, manganese and sodium. Strawberry has a sour taste when consumed so that it can be ascertained that this fruit has vitamin C in high enough levels. Therefore, I wonder if this strawberry fruit has many benefits for health and beauty.

Here are some benefits of eating a strawberry for health collected from various info. As for this are as follows:

1. Maintain Healthy Eyes and Improve Eyesight
The content of vitamin A in it has the ability to maintain the health of the eye and can improve vision, so as to avoid interference minus eyes like the eyes and eye cataracts.

2. Improve Immune System / Immune
In the strawberry fruit are vitamin C with high enough levels that can enhance the immune system by helping produce white blood cells.

3. Prevent Cancer Cell Growth
The content of nutrients and antioxidants in it has the ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells and may prevent the effects of free radicals.

4. Maintain Heart Health Organ
Inside the fruit are phenolic compounds that have the ability to prevent blood clots and improve blood vessel function. The content of potassium may also regulate blood pressure to be stable so that it can help maintain heart health.

5. Maintain Bone Health
This fruit has a content of vitamin K and a mineral consisting of manganese, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium to maintain bone health and also serves to prevent the disruption of the bone.

Besides having health benefits, strawberries also have many benefits for beauty and body treatments, which can be used to maintain healthy skin, brighten the skin and many more. To find out more information let's look at the benefits of strawberries for beauty taken from the site manfaat.com. As some of which are as follows:

1. Benefits Strawberry For Beauty
Can be Used for Skin Lightening
Dull facial skin look darker because it is caused by accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of the face. Make a mask of strawberries useful to brighten the skin, while the production that simply mixing the strawberries that have been mashed with 1 tablespoon of pure honey, then used as a face mask to left to stand for 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

2. Can be Used to Smooth Face
Strawberry fruit can also be used to soften the face by making it into a facial scrub. How to make it was quite easy to do that is by using strawberry fruit is ripe, cut into 2 parts, then rub the entire surface of the face and neck, leave on for 15 minutes, then wash with cold water.

3. Dispel  Panda Eyes
Having a panda eyes or eye bags blackening is one issue that can disturb the beauty. To remove them can be done by using strawberries, which only live splitting it into two pieces to be attached to the eyes for 15 minutes, then lift strawberries and Compressed eye using warm water.

Given this information, readers know that strawberries have many benefits for health and beauty. Besides strawberry star fruit turns out there are also health benefits.

5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Things You Need to Know

5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Things You Need to Know
5 Benefits of Guava Leaf Things You Need to Know
Among the kinds of leaves of herbs, leaves most recognized by the public is guava leaves. Since ancient times to the present guava leaves can be trusted to cope with diarrhea and several other health problems. If consumed leaves have a sense that sepet and tasted slightly bitter on the tongue. However, if you do not like the taste when consumed directly guava leaves can be made into tea leaves of guava or guava leaf herb that has good taste.

Analyzing information from sehatalamiku.com, in guava leaves are substances such as vitamin C, an antioxidant, quercetin, flavonoids, fiber, tannins, chlorophyll and many other content. What is meant here is the guava leaves, not the water guava leaves and leaves of cashew nut / cashew. Of all the content that is owned by the leaves of this, it is no wonder that guava leaf has been used as a herbal leaves to treat a number of diseases since the days of our ancestors.

After knowing the content in guava leaves, the following will also be explained about the benefits of guava leaves along the way of making manfaatobat.blogspot.co.id taken from the site. As for some of them, are as follows:

1. Treating Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a condition of the digestive system that is not controlled so as to make a bowel movement and cause excessive abdominal pain was quite intense. To overcome this can be done in the traditional way, using guava leaves. As for how:
- Take 5 leaves of beans, 1 piece of guava tree roots, one-piece rods guava trees.
- Boil all ingredients into 1.5 liters of water to boiling, strain the water and then drink 2 times a day.
-There Are other ways that can be done to treat diarrhea with guava leaf, which is chewed guava leaves are still young that have added salt, swallow the water and discard the waste.

2. Treating Masuk Angin
As the name implies, the disease caused by the body's cold feel too much wind in it. Because the wind can not be released by the body in the form of gas or ketut, akibitanya stomach will feel bloating, fullness, nausea and vomiting. To treat colds can be done by using guava leaves, how:
- Take 10 pieces of guava leaves are still young, 3 pieces of tamarind, 1 piece of brown sugar / palm sugar, 1 piece of red pepper and salt to taste.
- Boil all the ingredients into the pan containing 1 liter of water, allow it to boil, strain and drink the cooking water 2 times a day.

3. Treating Ulcer Disease
Ulcer disease caused by uncontrolled production of stomach acid so that the stomach becomes aches and pains. Ulcer disease can be treated using guava leaves, the weave is as follows:
-Take Young guava leaves as many as eight pieces, boil the leaves with 1 ½ cups water to boil, when cool strain and drink the water.

4. Treating Thrush
Sprue is a disease that often occurs in the mouth, especially on the inside of the lips. Although it is a mild disease, sprue must be overcome so that the process of eating and drinking are not disturbed. Here's how to make potions to treat thrush guava:
- Prepare 1 handful of guava leaves are still young and 1 piece of bark guava.
- Boil all ingredients using 2 cups water to boil, then strain and drink four hours until healed.

5. Treating Dengue
Dengue fever or dengue is a serious type of disease, the disease is caused by viral and bacterial infections caused by mosquito bites. There are natural ways that can be done to cure this disease, namely by using a concoction of guava leaves. The way is:
- Take guava leaves as many as 5 pieces and boil with 2 cups water to boil as much.
- Filter and drink the water 4 hours to recover.

When making these ingredients, be sure to have chosen the guava leaves are young and fresh. Do not forget to wash it with water first before using it. In order to obtain maximum results, consume on a regular basis as directed until cured

Causes and How to Treat Headaches Rear

Causes and How to Treat Headaches Rear
Causes and How to Treat Headaches Rear
Almost everyone has experienced headaches behind. Headaches are usually behind the attack anyone and did not know the age factor among both young and old. Headache rear usually caused due to the effects of headache front. Headaches are classified into two, namely primary and secondary headaches. Primary headache is a disease whose cause is not derived from an underlying condition. While secondary headache is one of the diseases that cause is the medical condition is being experienced.

Before we discuss how to treat headaches, we will discuss about the cause of the headache behind, among others:
1. Tensions
Headaches back can occur because the muscles located in the neck and shoulders under strain. Muscle tension can be caused due to lack of sleep, anxiety, stress, fatigue, dental pain, and poor posture.
2. Sinus headaches
Sinuses are air-filled spaces and is located inside the skull that consists of four pairs. Mucous membranes lining the cavity can be useful mngeluarkan mucus to moisten the nasal passages. Headache can occur due to infection or due to inflammation of the sinuses. While headaches at the back can occur because the sphenoid sinus inflammation inside the skull.
3. Headache carvicogenic
Headache carvicogenik a secondary type of headache that is caused due to neck problems. Carvicogenic Headaches can be divided into two, namely headaches myogenic and vertebrogenic. Myogenic headaches can occur when the neck muscles tense. whereas vertebrogenic headache occurs when the joints in the neck experienced dysfunctional.
4. Vascular Headache
Vascular headache caused by migraine recurrent and severe and accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
5. Occipital Neuralgia
Occipital neuralgia refers to a medical condition that can occur when the occipital nerve damage. Headaches on the back can occur because the nerves are damaged or inflamed due to infection, neck injuries, osteoarthritis and tumor.

Once you know the various causes of headaches behind you also need to know how to treat these headaches are:
1. Massaging the head
Give a gentle massage on the aching head.
2. Warm compresses
Compress use warm water on the back of the head and neck so that the muscles are not tense.
3. Sleeping
If you have a headache you sleep sebaknya diruangan quiet and dark. Turn off lights when sleeping more comfortable.
4. Apply using ice
Besides using warm water compresses to use ice also can be done to reduce the pain of migraine on the head.

7 Benefits of Green Beans for Health

7 Benefits of Green Beans for Health

Everyone must be familiar with the green beans, the beans were included in the types of legumes is indeed quite popular in Indonesia. In addition, the green bean itself is widely consumed in many processed foods such as green bean porridge delicious, ice green beans, green bean compote and many more.

Green Beans for Health Benefits - Everyone must be familiar with the green beans, the beans were included in the types of legumes is indeed quite popular in Indonesia. In addition, the green bean itself is widely consumed in many processed foods such as porridge tasty green beans, green bean ice, compote
Green bean plant widely grown by farmers in Indonesia so it is quite easy to get. Moreover, to get the green beans will not drain the wallet due to market green beans priced at a fairly cheap price per kilo. Not only delicious to eat, nut of this type has many nutrients that are beneficial to health.

In a single grain of green beans are the nutrient content in the form of protein, vitamin B complex, fiber, minerals, folic acid, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium and many more. Imagine, if one grain of green beans contains so many nutrients, then how many nutrients that will be earned by our body when consumed in large quantities.

After being briefed on the content of nutrients contained in green beans, on this occasion will also be given information about the benefits of green beans for health. Here are some benefits of green beans for health, as for them are as follows:

Digestive System launched
    Have previously been shown that in the green beans are the fiber content. The fiber content is useful to nourish the digestive organs so that the digestive system in the body to be smooth.
    Adding Energy
    Fiber and carbohydrates in green beans can be used to increase the energy needed by the body, so that green beans can be processed into a healthy breakfast menu.
    Lose weight
    Green beans have a low calorie content, so it can be used as one component of a healthy diet. In addition, green beans also have a glut of properties and delay hunger.
    Both for mother and fetus
    Green beans contained in the folic acid content and high calcium. Both of these contents has the ability to nourish the mother and fetus.
    High Protein Sources
    It can be ascertained that the green beans have a high protein content. When consumed regularly green beans can meet protein intake required by the body.
    Treating and Preventing Anemia
    Green beans contained within the iron content is quite a lot. The iron content has the ability to help the formation of red blood cells that can treat and prevent anemia.
    Maintaining Healthy Skin
    In the green beans are also vitamin E content which serves to maintain healthy skin by protecting the skin from free radical damage.

In order for all the nutritional content and benefits of green beans do not disappear when consumed, it is important to prepare or cook it in a way that is good and right. Advised not to do the boiling process green beans too long because it can damage all the nutrient content contained therein. Doing boiling green beans with a long time can also reduce the freshness of taste.
While soy has many health benefits for the body, but still recommended to always consume them in reasonable portions. Consuming green beans in excessive amounts can cause health problems.

The reason, according to the website manfaat.co.id in green beans contained oxalic acid content. The oxalic acid content can be crystallized in the urinary tract, so it is advisable to consume green beans with sage. If you have a medical history of urinary tract stone disease, are advised not to consume green beans or other food containing oxalic acid. [1]

In order to avoid urinary tract stone disease, cukupilah fluid intake needed by the body by drinking water 6-8 cups daily. The way it is useful to expedite excretion of urine and is useful for maintaining healthy kidneys and urinary tract

10 Benefits of Bananas for Pregnant Women

10 Benefits of Bananas for Pregnant Women
10 Benefits of Bananas for Pregnant Women
We all know that any kind of fruits have the nutritional content, such as vitamins and minerals needed by the body, one of which is a banana. Banana is a fruit that has abundant content of nutrients such as potassium, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B complex, fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and others. Thanks to all the content in it, the banana has many benefits for the health of the body.

Not only that, bananas are also very good for consumption by pregnant women. All intake contained in bananas has the ability to tackle and prevent nuisance disease in pregnant women. For more details, please know the benefits of bananas for pregnant women taken from mom-pregnant.co.id. Here are some benefits of bananas for pregnant women.

1. Reduce Morning Sickness
    Pregnant women usually will often feel nausea and vomiting in the morning, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. The condition is called by the name of morning sickness, to reduce them can be done by eating a banana.
2. Nerves and help the development of fetal brain
    Folic acid content contained in bananas serves to assist the process of nerve and brain development of the fetus. In addition, folic acid also serves to prevent premature birth and birth defects.
3.   Overcoming and Preventing Disease Anemia
    One of the health problems that are often experienced by pregnant women is anemia or less blood. Anemia will give a bad risk to pregnant women and the fetus because it will cause complications during delivery and afterwards. To overcome and prevent anemia, are encouraged to eat a banana because it constitutes a role in iron to produce red blood cells.
4.     Troubleshooting Indigestion
    Inside there are banana fiber can be used to treat pregnant women indigestion problems, such as constipation, constipation and hemorrhoids. In addition, the fiber content in it also serves to nourish the digestive organs.
5.    Lose Weight After Childbirth
    The fiber content and mineral components contained in fruits such as bananas, potassium, calcium and magnesium contribute to improve the metabolic processes so that it can go faster and be able to lose weight after giving birth.

6.  Adding Energy
    In general, a pregnant woman feel tired and weak during the move. If you do not want that to happen, it is advisable to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Consuming bananas can also be an option to increase energy.

7.  Increase appetite
    Typically, pregnant women tend to be difficult to consume food. One way that can be used to solve it, that is by eating a banana. The content of the various nutrients found in bananas can be used to increase appetite.

8.  Prevent Sense Stress
    In addition to the physical and hormonal changes, pregnant women will also experience emotional changes so that it becomes more emotional and sensitive. Fruit flavors are sweet and tasty bananas can be used to calm the mind so as to prevent pregnant women experience a sense of stress.
9. Maintaining Bone Health mother and fetus
    Bananas have considerable calcium content. The calcium content has the ability to maintain bone health and fetus. In other words, the calcium in the banana can prevent bone structural abnormalities in the fetus and can prevent bone disorders in pregnant women.
10. Boost Immune System
    To boost the immune system or the system of pregnant women are encouraged to consume bananas in order to avoid the threat of diseases and disorders in the fetus.

Although bananas have many benefits for pregnant, but every pregnant woman should still compensate by eating a variety of nutritious foods to beverages, healthy lifestyle, take regular breaks and not lazy to move. All that is useful for the healthy condition expectant mother and fetus and can expedite the delivery process. In order not to get bored eating bananas directly, Olahlah should be the food that arouse your appetite.

10 Benefits Of Milk For Body Health

10 Benefits Of Milk For Body Health
10 Benefits Of Milk For Body Health

Since the birth of the world, every human being introduced and given milk to supplement the intake of nutrients needed by the body. In other words, milk is the first nutrition given at the beginning of human life in this mortal world. Inside there are nutrients that milk complex that consists of protein, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, riboflavin and fat. That's what makes the milk used as an essential nutrient to be given to the baby.

Along with the development of human age, they need more nutrition than milk known as 4 healthy 5 perfect, content healthy 4 consists of rice, side dishes, vegetables and fruits, supplemented by consuming milk to be perfect.

Not only have good taste, milk also has abundant benefits. The benefits of milk is very useful for health, therefore, know the benefits of milk for health. As some of which are as follows:

Helping Growth Process
Milk is very good to help the growth process because it has calcium that help bone growth and can help the performance of the bones to grow optimally.
Providing Energy Sources
Milk can be used as an alternative energy source for those who do not have much time for breakfast or morning meal.
Neutralize Toxins in the Body
In milk are nutrients that can be used to neutralize toxins in the body.
Maintaining Bone Health
Consuming milk regularly is useful for maintaining bone health, strong bones and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. [1]
Maintaining Dental Health
Calcium content in it is not only useful for maintaining bone health, because also useful for maintaining healthy teeth and strengthen teeth.
Energy Boost When Menstruation
When menstruation every women tend to feel weak, to overcome it can be done by consuming milk regularly when menstruation.
Increase Blood Pressure
When someone who has low blood pressure consume low-fat milk on a regular basis, then it can increase blood pressure became stable.
reduce Stress
Consuming milk every night / before bed can reduce the stress of the burden of piled mind. This is because the milk can make the brain become more relaxed so as to create a sense of calm and prevent insomnia.
Boost Weight Loss
If you have a thin body ideal or less, you should regularly consume milk because the fat content and protein in it can increase body weight.
Can Improve Concentration
The content of vitamin B12 in milk has the function to improve the ability of the brain, improving cognitive skills and can improve concentration, which can sharpen a person's memory is consumed.
Not only provide many benefits for health, milk also has benefits for beauty. This is evident because it has many products that use milk as one of the compositions in hair beauty products, beauty products and beauty products facial skin, so it is worth trying.

Milk has various types of flavors that can be tailored to the tastes of people who consume it, such as milk chocolate, strawberry and banana. When bored to consume milk directly, it is advisable to consume them in other preparations such as yogurt, ice cream milk candy, milk, cheese and a variety of other dairy products.

However, for readers who are allergic to animal protein you should consume a type of milk that comes from the processed vegetable protein, such as soy milk or almond milk. The content of nutrients in the milk no less good vegetable protein containing animal protein in the milk. Moreover, either almond or soy milk each has a delicious taste.

So little information that can be said about the benefits of milk, may be used as reference information can be healthy reading for the reader as well. After knowing this information, it is expected that regularly consume milk in accordance with the condition of the body. For example, choose to consume low-fat milk for treating obesity or opt-fat milk to gain weight.

5 Benefits of Bekam for Health

5 Benefits of Bekam for Health
5 Benefits of Bekam for Health
Although life in the modern age, but the majority of Indonesian people still choose to wear traditional methods, especially in the health sector. So what methods are used to maintain health? One of them is using traditional means and methods considered safer to do because it has a mild risk of side effects is by bekam method.

One of the traditional methods of much-loved to this day is bekam therapy. bekam therapy is a therapy that is performed by using a tube bekam on the surface of the skin, the tube can be sucked out blood-dirty blood which is considered as the cause of the disease. There are actually two types of bekam therapy, bekam therapy namely wet and dry bekam therapy.

the experts reveals that bekam is done by membekam skin dry with a bekam or header tube bekam to appear blackish red, then massaging the surrounding area. While wet bekam is done by using a sharp needle to remove the dirty blood. bekam is usually done after the wet bekam therapy patients did dry, but for people who are afraid to do wet bekam the patient is allowed to not use it.

From the site also said that there are hundreds more points on the body that can be used for bekam therapy, but more often used only 12 points alone are in the back, neck, head, chest, waist and legs. bekam therapy is believed to cure various problems of skin diseases, neurological disorders, stroke, heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol and many more.

For more details, let's look at the benefits of bekam therapy for health in accordance with what is quoted from metodesehat.com. As for this are as follows:

    Launched Circulatory
    Bekam therapy technique is useful for blood circulation because it can remove the dirty blood or blood contaminated with toxic and hazardous substances.
    Can Reduce Skin Inflammation
    If done regularly, bekam therapy can reduce inflammation in the skin and can make your skin look healthy and glowing.
    Can Restore Body Fitness
    Bekam therapy is useful for relieving fatigue after a full day of activities and also useful against wind. Bloody dirty issued can make the body into a lighter, fresher, healthier and fitter.
    Nourish the Heart Organ
    Bekam therapy can be used to nourish the transplanted heart and other body organs. This is because of bekam therapy can treat hypertension, uric acid and cholesterol so that it can make your heart healthier.
    Helping The regeneration of skin cells

If the bekam therapy is done on the face is very useful to help the regeneration of skin cells, removes dead skin cells, removes acne, can make the face look more fresh and youthful look.

Although at first glance bekam therapy terrible thing to do, but actually not too sore when doing so. It's just the sensations felt when the skin is sucked by bekam bekam will feel tight and a bit sore. However, it is comparable to the benefits gained.

In addition to going to places that provide services bekam therapy, this therapy can also be done at home by buying the equipment used for the procedure and asked for help from others to membekam body. However, be sure to use the correct method or way to avoid the things that are not desirable.

It is fine to do bekam therapy on the face but keep in mind the impact, ie the scars. Scars of bekam therapy will disappear within a few days so as to obtain a smooth and radiant face, the owner must be willing to face decorated by a former bekam her face looks bruised reddish blue. To overcome this, Compressed routinely face using cold temperature water.

Therapy Bekam therapy is not recommended to be applied every day because it can make the skin pores become enlarged. Therefore, do bekam therapy on a regular basis is a maximum of 4 times in one month. Remember that everything is done to excess is not going to give good results.

Efficacy and Benefits Breadfruit for Healthy Body

Efficacy and Benefits Breadfruit for Healthy Body
Efficacy and Benefits Breadfruit for Healthy Body

Breadfruit many health giving properties of the body. Breadfruit is a plant species that live in the South Pacific region. Each one season breadfruit can produce more or less up to 200 fruit on one tree every year. Breadfruit usually green before it matures. When ripe breadfruit usually appear yellowish skin color, breadfruit also do not have seeds. Additionally when ripe breadfruit has a soft texture and has a distinctive aroma, its flesh color was yellowish beige. There are two types of breadfruit, namely:
- Breadfruit seed
These types of breadfruit can be consumed with roasted, baked, fried, or can also be boiled.
- Breadfruit Without Seeds
These types of breadfruit can be directly consumed raw or cooked. In India seedless breadfruit leaf decoction is used to treat high blood pressure and to reduce bronchial asthma.

benefits of breadfruit Breadfruit many health giving properties of the body. Breadfruit is a plant species that live in the South Pacific region. Each one season breadfruit can produce more or less up to 200 fruit on one tree every year. Breadfruit usually green before it matures. When ripe breadfruit usually appear yellowish skin color, breadfruit also do not have seeds. Additionally when ripe breadfruit has a soft texture and has a distinctive aroma, its flesh color was yellowish beige. There are two types of breadfruit, namely:
- Breadfruit seed
These types of breadfruit can be consumed with roasted, baked, fried, or can also be boiled.
- Breadfruit Without Seeds
These types of breadfruit can be directly consumed raw or cooked. In India seedless breadfruit leaf decoction is used to treat high blood pressure and to reduce bronchial asthma.

Here are the different types of nutritional content on breadfruit which we summarized from healthbenefitstimes.com pages include:
- carbohydrate
- energy
- fiber
- protein
- sugar
- mineral
- calcium
- iron
- magnesium
- Phosphor
- potassium
- sodium
- zink
- folate
- niacin
- riboflavin
- thiamin
- Vitamin B6
- vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K

In addition to the abundant nutrient content breadfruit also has many health benefits for the body include:

   1.  Carbohydrate-rich
    Breadfruit containing carbohydrates as the main energy source for the body. Hence breadfruit is usually used by athletes to therapy.

   2.  Rich in Fiber
    Fiber is very beneficial for health. The fiber content in the breadfruit is very helpful for your digestive health and can reduce cholesterol levels.
   3. Low fat
    Low fat content on breadfruit can use as your diet therapy.
   4.  low Protein
    Excess protein can cause stress and disruption in your kidneys. The breadfruit is suitable for use as your daily diet.
  5.  high Potassium
    Potassium is very useful to improve the health of your body.
  6. Containing Omega 3
    Omega 3 is an important component to optimize the health of the body. Besides omega 3 also works to balance cholesterol, strengthen and build bone as well as useful to the health of your skin.
  7. Good For Digestion
    Substances contained in breadfruit fiber is very good for your digestive system. As well as useful for avoiding your digestive problems.
  8. As Anti-oxidant
    An anti-oxidant in breadfruit very useful to counteract free radicals, as well as to destroy bacteria and viruses. Additionally breadfruit can prevent the risk of osteo arthritis, arthtiti arthtritis, heart disease and cancer.
  9.   Energy sources
    Carbohydrates contained in breadfruit useful for generating energy in the body.

  10.  Good For Heart
    The content of potassium contained in breadfruit is very good for your heart health.

Besides the benefits of vitamins, potassium and fiber to the breadfruit for health, among others:
- Improving wound healing
- Helps prevent cell damage
- Improving gum health
- Improve dental health
- Improve the anti-body
- Protection from free radicals
- Minimize aging
- Prevent cancer
- Improving the assimilation of iron
- Improving lung health
- Helps prevent colds
- Protect from bacterial infections
- Improve nerve function
- Improving muscle function
- Preventing stress
- Reduce fatigue
- Prevent heart disease
- Prevent hypertension
- Prevent diarrhea
- Normalize blood sugar
- Normalize cholesterol levels
- Prevent intestinal problems
- Prevent hemorrhoids

- reducing weight

7 Benefits of Bushhammer

7 Benefits of Bushhammer
7 Benefits of Bushhammer
One type of fruit that has a lot of fans are citrus fruits. The fruit is famous because it tastes good and refreshing. In addition, citrus fruits are also famous for its abundant vitamin C and other nutrients that have content beneficial to health and beauty.

When consuming citrus fruits, everyone must throw away the skin for granted. Whereas, in the orange peel are nutrients that do not lose much with the fruit. Inside there is the nutritional content of orange peel in the form of vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids. The content has benefits for health.

With information from carakhasiatmanfaat.com anatomize unknown number of benefits of orange peel for health. As for them are as follows:
7 Benefits of Bushhammer

1. Lowering Cholesterol
    In the orange peel contains flavones are composed of substances polymethoxylate and hesperidin. US Department of Agriculture and KGK Synergize Nutraceutical company has done research that the compound can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
2. Prevent Skin Cell Growth
    Flavonoids present in orange peel role is to help the vitamin C and antioxidants to work more efficiently. Flavonoids, which also has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting the supply of food needed by cancer cells.

3. Prevent Skin Cancer
    In a study conducted in 2000 at the Arizona Cancer Center (Nutrition and Cancer; Citrus Peel Use is Associated with Reduced Risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin). The study they found a compound d-limonene in the lemon peel that acts to reduce the growth of skin cancer.

4. Boost Immune System
    The content of vitamin C in the orange peel has the ability to boost the immune system by helping produce white blood cells that act as the immune system.

5. Overcome Indigestion
    The content of vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber found in orange peel has the ability to overcome the problem of digestive disorders such as constipation, constipation, hemorrhoids, colic and other digestive disorders.
6. Improve Respiratory Conditions

    In 100 grams of orange peel contained approximately 10.6 grams of fiber content. The content of these fibers have the ability to prevent bloating and irritable syndrome if extracted, orange peel has the ability to improve respiratory conditions.

7. Calm Mind
    Owned by the refreshing aroma of orange peel has a calming effect on the mind so that it can make up your mind to relax the body and make the body avoid feeling stressed.

Because orange peel has a very bitter taste, makes many people reluctant to consume it directly. There are easy ways you can do to make orange peel palatable for consumption, ie the process into delicious sweets. On site manfaat.co.id, explained about how to manufacture candied orange peel. The method of manufacture is as follows:
Prepare the orange peel to taste, then wash up really clean

    Cut them into small sizes
    Dry by drying in the sun
    Once, really dry soak in a solution of sugar during the night [2]

The next way, can consume orange peel in a way making it the juice, by mixing and membelendernya as fresh fruit juice blend. This is because the fruit mixture can neutralize the bitter taste that is owned by an orange peel.

Lastly, can be done by consuming orange peel in the form of orange peel extract that has been sold in the market. Before taking or cultivate sure that had washed up on the surface clean for exposure to agent orange peel chemical fertilizers, exposure candles, inteksida, bacteria, germs and viruses carried by the wind.

However, if you want to directly consume orange peel skin should eat a tangerine or mandarin oranges because it has a sweeter taste than the other types of orange peel. Fixed consume wisely and to be in an appropriate manner

7 Benefits of Coconut Water for Pregnant Women

7 Benefits of Coconut Water for Pregnant Women
7 Benefits of Coconut Water for Pregnant Women
Every married couple will definitely want to have children as their next generation. There is a phase that must be passed to obtain a child, namely pregnancy. During pregnancy the mother should really keep his health, since he also has the responsibility to maintain the health of the fetus in her womb.

Ideally, pregnancy lasts for 9 months 10 days. With a time not less than one year of a pregnant woman is required to always run a healthy lifestyle, such as inadequate intake of nutrients needed by pregnant women and the fetus, enough rest and exercising regularly (recommended for light exercise. If already implementing a healthy living every day, likely the process will run with normal labor with the condition of mother and baby healthy.

There are many foods and beverages that can be selected to complete the intake of nutrients needed by pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women should make sure each of the nutritional content of food and beverages to be consumed. One type of beverage to be consumed by pregnant women is coconut water.

Based on information taken from hamil.co.id, in coconut water are substances and compounds that are useful for pregnant women. Among them is the fiber, protein, carbohydrates, folic acid, nacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and many more content of other nutrients , [1]

Thus, it's no wonder the coconut water is touted to have many benefits for pregnant women. Therefore, know some of the benefits of coconut water for pregnant women who dianalisir of bidanku.com. This is the benefits of coconut water for pregnant women:

1. Role As Natural Diuretics In addition to refreshing as a drink, coconut water also acts as a natural diuretic that is sterile and coconut water has also been shown to accelerate the process excretion of urine that can help heal the urinary tract.
2. Energy Booster As a natural isotonic beverage that is rich in minerals and electrolytes, water head serves to avoid dehydration and can be used to increase energy pregnant women that are not easily feel tired.
3. Assist Digestion During Pregnancy During pregnancy, the placenta of women will produce the hormone progesterone can make the function of the stomach becomes blocked, resulting in muscle contraction digestive system becomes slow. For increased, can be done by drinking coconut water.
4. Increase Good Cholesterol Coconut water has no cholesterol and have a fat content in small amounts. Thus, coconut water has the ability to increase levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
5. Creating a Healthy Body Being lauric acid found in coconut water. The lauric acid content has the same characteristics in common with the ASI, which is as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-virus, so it will make the mother and fetus free from the threat of disease.
6. Removing Toxic Substance in the Body natural diuretic properties owned by the coconut water has the ability to remove toxic substances in the body in the form of urine, so that the mother and fetus body free from toxic substances that are harmful.
7. Clearing Air Membranes Consuming coconut water in months 6-9 of pregnancy can clear amniotic fluid, so that the delivery process to be smooth.
Thus, it can be concluded that coconut water regularly consume beneficial for health of pregnant women and can assist optimal fetal development and can make the fetus grow healthily. Coconut water is recommended to be consumed by pregnant women is coconut water because it has the nutritional content and benefits more than the water that comes out of an old coconut.

Although coconut water has many benefits for pregnant women, but you should not consume excessively. Consuming coconut water excessively during pregnancy can cause flatulence, causing an uncomfortable feeling because the stomach will feel full or fullness.

10 Benefits of Fruit Longan

10 Benefits of Fruit Longan
10 Benefits of Fruit Longan
One type of seasonal fruit is often anticipated presence longan or litchi fruit. The fruit is famous because it tastes sweet and juicy, longan fruit actually enter into the family duku and langsep because they have the size and shape are almost the same. Longan is a fruit that grows clustered together like grapes.

Not only famous for its sweet taste, longan fruit is also famous for nutrient content and benefits. Manfaatbuahkesehatan.blogspot.co.id revealed that in longan fruit are the nutritional content in the form of phytochemical compounds, tartik acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C, potassium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium , manganese, zinc and many more.
Well, after knowing a number of nutrient content contained in longan fruit, next will be described the benefits of longan fruit for health. According manfaatdaun.com longan fruit has several benefits, including:

1. Helps Cardiac Performance
    Longan fruit is found in the number of nutrients that serve to calm the nerves, blood circulation and can reduce cholesterol levels. Thus, the heart becomes more optimal performance.

2. Overcome and Prevent Anemia (Less Blood)
    Anemia is a deficiency disease of red blood cells, so it can make the body becomes weak, dizzy and fainting spells. To overcome and prevent anemia can be done by consuming fruits longan.
3. Can Stabilize Body Temperature
    Inside there longan fruit contains vitamin C which has the ability to maintain body temperature to keep warm in the winter and serves to boost the immune system, making the body free from bacterial infections, germs and viruses.

4. Calm the Mind
    Longan fruit contains anti-depressant has a role to overcome nerve problems because it can relax the body and can improve nerve function, so the body will avoid the problem of insomnia (sleep disturbance).

5. Increase Energy
    Longan fruit is also a natural tonic that can increase the energy needed by the body when on the move, so the body does not feel tired even when you're running a strenuous activity though. [2]

6. Overcoming Dehydration
    Because it has a fairly high water content, longan fruit can be consumed to quench the thirst of so free in the threat of dehydration.

7. Increase Appetite
    The content of nutrients abundant owned by longan fruits have a function to increase appetite, so it can get the body to the ideal body weight for skinny people.

8. Smooth Digestive System
    Fiber and water content contained in the longan fruit have the ability to launch the digestive system, so free from the problem of constipation, constipation, hemorrhoids and other digestive disorders.

9. Eliminate Toxic Substances in the Body
    The content of the antioxidant and phytochemical compounds owned by longan fruit has the ability to remove toxic substances in the body in the form of sweat, urine and fesses.

10. Maintain Healthy Skin
    Longan fruit contained in the content of nutrients such as potassium and vitamin C. Both the nutrient content have the ability to maintain healthy skin, tighten the skin, smoothing the skin, brighten the skin and keep the skin moist.

In addition to delicious and fresh to be consumed directly, longan fruit can also be processed into a variety of delicious food, such as longan juice, pudding longan, longan ice, as ice mix fruit, mix fruit salad, garnish desserts and other sebagainya.Walaupun has the shape and small size, longan fruit turns out to have a myriad of health benefits for the body. This is certainly good news for lovers of fruits, especially for those who are very fond of this longan fruit.

All these benefits can be obtained when consumed in portions wise longan, taste and not excessive. Too much consumption of longan fruit can also give adverse effects to the health of the body, including the throat can cause disorders such as sore throat, cough and voice serek. Therefore, consumption remains within reasonable portion alone

6 Benefits of Dates for Pregnant Women

6 Benefits of Dates for Pregnant Women
6 Benefits of Dates for Pregnant Women
Dates is a type of fruit that comes from the Middle East countries, namely Saudi Arabia. Palm tree can grow in sandy soils with sufficient temperature extremes. In the country of Indonesia, dates also is a fruit that is widely consumed, especially during Ramadan. At the time of sahur and iftar dates are fruits which are consumed by the Muslim Ummah in a month full of grace. Because, in the palm there is the content number of nutrients that are beneficial to increase energy, maintain digestive health and can meet the nutrition lost during fasting.

Is not only delicious for consumption and provide a number of benefits for the health of the body, it turns out dates also have a good benefit for pregnant women. Everyone must know that pregnant women need more nutrition than women who are not pregnant. Due to meet the nutritional intake for pregnant women can make the mother and fetus to be healthy.

During pregnancy, a woman is always advisable to run a healthy lifestyle that is the way a lot of rest, eating the food - nutritious beverages, not lazy to move, do not smoke and do not consume drugs. One type of intake of nutrients that should be consumed by pregnant women are vegetables and fruits.

Citing information from manfaat.co.id, a palm fruit that can be consumed by pregnant women because it constitutes a source of nutrients for both mother and fetus. The content consists of a source of minerals and vitamins. The mineral content contained in dates include potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium and iron. As for the content of vitamins in it consists of vitamin A, vitamin K, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin.

Given all of the nutrient content, it is not surprising if the date has benefits for pregnant women. To know more clearly the benefits, know the following information about the benefits of dates for pregnant women. Some of them are:

1. Preventing and Treating Anemia
    Because it has a sweet taste can be ascertained that there is sugar in dates. Sugar contained in the palm fruit can be used to prevent and treat anemia or lack of blood that is often experienced by pregnant women.

2. Improve Digestive System
    When a pregnant woman will often experience indigestion problems such as constipation and bowel obstruction. To overcome this can be done by eating dates for nutrition in it has the ability to launch the digestive system.

3. Can Increase Energy
    Glucose content contained in date benefit to improve and increase energy in the body, especially for pregnant women. The reason, pregnant women require more energy to do activities.

4. Stimulate Brain Nerve
    One of the mineral content in the palm, which is potassium can be used to stimulate the nerves of the brain that functions to increase the intelligence of the brain and can be used to sharpen memory.

5. Maintain Healthy Bones and Teeth
    Calcium, phosphorus and other minerals contained in the dates is very beneficial for the health and development of the fetus. Because the mineral content in the palm of the role is to facilitate the formation of bones and teeth of the baby. The mineral content are also needed by pregnant women to avoid the disease of bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

6. Feeding fetal brain
    Dates contained in the folic acid content which can be used to educate the fetal brain and assist in the formation of the fetal brain to be more perfect.

Therefore all, pregnant women are advised to consume 3 palm fruit each day. When bored to consume dates directly, make the processed palm that has a delicious taste like a fruit salad mixed with palm, palm juice, cake palm, palm juice and others.
10 benefits palm sugar for health

10 benefits palm sugar for health

There are two types of sugar that is widely used and consumed by the people of Indonesia, namely white sugar and brown sugar or also called palm sugar. Unlike the white granulated sugar and is derived from sugar cane juice. Palm sugar has a texture that is dense and coarse, this type of sugar is made from the juice of sugar that is processed in the traditional way. Because it has a sweet taste and sticky, palm sugar for cooking a variety of traditional foods.

In addition, palm sugar is also used as a sweetener in food - healthy drink. This is because brown sugar is a sweetener that is low in calories so it will not cause obesity. Not only that, the typical sugar Indonesia also has many benefits that benefit the body.

Here are some health benefits of palm sugar to the body, according to what is written in kesehatan.blogekstra.com. As some of which are as follows:

10 palm sugar for health benefits
source of Antioxidants
In the palm sugar content of antioxidants contained in large quantities. The content of these antioxidants have the ability to counteract free radicals, thus protecting the body from the threat of dangerous diseases such as skin cancer.
Treating and Preventing Disease Anemia
Palm sugar has an iron content is high enough. The iron content has the ability to increase the production of red blood cells that can treat and prevent anemia or lack of blood.
Boost Immune System
In the palm sugar are some chemicals that have the ability to launch the circulatory system, so that the function and performance of all organs of the body become more optimal. Then, the content of chemical elements in it also serves to boost the immune system.
Stabilizing Cholesterol Levels In The Blood
Palm sugar contains niacin which acts to stabilize cholesterol levels in the blood. The content of niacin also serves to soften and maintain healthy skin. [1]
Improve Digestive System
Niacin substances contained in palm sugar also has the ability to increase the digestive system, so that the body avoid indigestion problems and can nourish the digestive organs.
Launched Blood Circulation
One of the problems that can cause serious illness, the air circulation is not smooth. Air circulation is not smooth can cause hypertension or high blood pressure, clogged blood circulation, lower performance of the heart and may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Warm the body
The content of nutrients and chemical elements found in palm sugar has the ability to warm up the body so that the body temperature remains stable and can avoid the flu.
Good for Diet
In general, people who are on diets tend to avoid eating sweet foods. However, this is different because palm sugar palm sugar can be good for the diet. Therefore, palm sugar is a low-calorie sweetener.
treating Thrush
Back again on the content of niacin contained in palm sugar. The content of niacin have the ability to treat thrush, how pretty paste palm sugar in the mouth that is experiencing thrush.
Could Be In Mixed Herb Medicine
Palm sugar is usually used as a medicinal herb mix for addition to functioning as a sweetener, brown sugar also has the ability to maximize the benefits of the medicinal herb.
Who would have thought that in sugars that usually disepelehkan by many people, it turns out to have many benefits that are beneficial to health. Moreover, the type of sugar in the market is priced at an inexpensive price per gram so do not need a lot of money to get all these benefits.

However, it is recommended to consume in reasonable portions or exaggerated. Because as laymen, we can not understand the side effects that will result from eating and excessive use of palm sugar. However, if you have diabetes should consult a doctor, if allowed to consume.

8 Benefits of White Tea For Health

8 Benefits of White Tea For Health
White Tea
Most people in all probability already fathom the numerous health advantages of tea, starting from reducing the chance of clogged arteries, cardiopathy, and cancer. this can be as a result of tea has some nice content, one in every of that could be a polyphenol. Polyphenols in tea act as antioxidants.

Several forms of tea that has been widely known by society is tea, white tea, black tea, Anthemis nobilis tea, and tea tea. a bit like occasional, tea additionally contains caffein, however in fewer levels. Among the mentioned styles of tea, white tea is that the least caffein than alternative varieties.

White tea is made from tea leaves that haven't been change and haven't been preserved. White tea leaves square measure harvested once young age for a few time and so steamed, then dried while not surfing the method of fermentation. Therefore, terribly high inhibitor content. In terms of style, white tea is sweeter and lighter than tea. additionally, white tea additionally has antimicrobial properties.

Benefits of White Tea

White tea has many health advantages for the body, which are:

1. Helps stop cancer
White tea contains polyphenol compounds which will fight free radicals, in addition as stop the incidence of cancer. The injury caused by free radicals or additionally called aerophilous stress become one in every of the vital processes of the incidence of cancer, and also the content of polyphenols in white tea is believed to scale back aerophilous stress.

2. Preventing injury to the body
Besides having the ability to forestall organ injury caused by free radicals, compounds referred to as polyphenols in white tea may stop peroxide arising from excess toxins within the body.

3. Maintaining oral health
The combination of compounds referred to as polyphenols and tannins in white tea will facilitate inhibit the expansion of sure forms of microorganism within the mouth.

4. Keeping skin healthy
The high content of antioxidants in white tea might facilitate maintain healthy skin and build him keep young. additionally, antioxidants may facilitate defend the skin from dangerous actinic ray rays.

5. Lowering internal secretion resistance
White tea is one in every of the most effective drink for diabetics as a result of it will facilitate scale back internal secretion resistance and improve the sensitivity of the secretion. it's useful to enhance blood glucose management to diabetics.

6. Preventing vascular system disorders
Besides polyphenols, white tea additionally contains flavonoids which will minimize the chance of disorders of the vascular system. The inhibitor compounds square measure believed to enhance epithelium operate and inhibiting the reaction of unhealthy steroid alcohol within the blood.

7. Maintaining the soundness of weight
To change state would like healthy mode like exercise and a diet. additionally to those 2 things, you'll be able to additionally add them to drink white tea frequently as a result of, this tea is additionally useful for maintaining weight remained stable. White tea doesn't contain plenty of calories.

8. Preventing infection
White tea has anti-bacterial properties that square measure helpful for the system. this may build the body avoid the chance of invasive microorganisms and microorganism which will cause infection within the body.

That's a number of the advantages of white tea for health. Hopefully this text useful.
 10 Benefits of Mango Juice

10 Benefits of Mango Juice

Who does not know the mangoes? The fruit is considered as one of the fruits are delicious and tasty in this country are found in Indonesia, because the mango tree is a plant that can flourish in the tropics. Because it is a kind of seasonal fruit and fruit only at certain times only, fresh mango fruit missed his presence by his fans. Besides being able to be consumed directly, mangoes can also be processed into a number of culinary delights such as mango juice, mango pudding, fruit salad, smoothie, fruit salad mix and other processed products. Thus, fans of mango fruit will not feel bored when taking it.

However, the results of commonly consumed processed mangoes are fresh mango juice. Because the mango juice consumption is a practical and fast way for people who do not have much time to consume it directly. By consuming the processed mango juice, the body will more quickly absorb the nutrition in it. Because, the body does not need to work hard to absorb nutrients in liquid form.

Just like citrus fruits, mango is also famous for its vitamin C content. Not only Vitamin C, mangoes also have a content of other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, potassium, iron, fiber, carbohydrates, antioxidants, folic acid and many other nutrient content. Earlier, we explained that all the nutrients contained in fruit mango will be easily absorbed by the body when consumed in liquid form, namely in the preparation of fresh mango juice.

As supplementary information, this article also reviews information about the benefits of mango juice. In accordance with what is quoted from the site manfaatbuahalami.com, while the benefits of mango juice to note are as follows:

11 Benefits of Mango Juice
Coping with Cancer
Just like other fruits, mango is also a fruit that has a high antioxidant content. Not only the content of antioxidants, all of the compounds contained in it are also friendly with intestinal organs and can cope with cancer, such as leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.
Keeping Performance Cardio Body
Consuming nutritious mango juice on a regular basis to maintain the performance of the cardio body, so the body becomes healthier and can help the absorption of nutrients better.
Stabilize Sugar Levels in the Body
The content of dietary fiber and natural sugars contained in mango juice is very safe to take people with diabetes.
Preventing and Overcoming Anemia
Mango juice contained inside the iron content which is quite a lot. By eating mango juice regularly can prevent and cope with anemia due to iron content in it serves to produce red blood cells.
Digestive System launched
The fiber content of food contained in it have the ability to launch the digestive system and can nourish the digestive organs, so the body free from digestive disorders like constipation, hemorrhoids and constipation.

Just like citrus fruits, mango is also famous for its vitamin C content. Not only Vitamin C, mangoes also have a content of other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, potassium, iron, fiber, carbohydrates, antioxidants, folic acid and many other nutrient content. Earlier, we explained that all the nutrients contained in fruit mango will be easily absorbed by the body when consumed in liquid form, namely in the preparation of fresh mango juice.

As supplementary information, this article also reviews information about the benefits of mango juice. In accordance with what is quoted from the site manfaatbuahalami.com, while the benefits of mango juice to note are as follows:

1. Overcoming Cancer
Just like other fruits, mango is also a fruit that has a high antioxidant content. Not only the content of antioxidants, all of the compounds contained in it are also friendly with intestinal organs and can cope with cancer, such as leukemia, breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

2. Maintain Performance Cardio Body
Consuming nutritious mango juice on a regular basis to maintain the performance of the cardio body, so the body becomes healthier and can help the absorption of nutrients better.

3. Stabilize Sugar Levels in the Body
The content of dietary fiber and natural sugars contained in mango juice is very safe to take people with diabetes.

4. Prevent and Overcome Anemia
Mango juice contained inside the iron content which is quite a lot. By eating mango juice regularly can prevent and cope with anemia due to iron content in it serves to produce red blood cells.

5. Smooth Digestive System
The fiber content of food contained in it have the ability to launch the digestive system and can nourish the digestive organs, so the body free from digestive disorders like constipation, hemorrhoids and constipation.

6. Maintain Healthy Eyes
The mango juice contains vitamin A which proved good for maintaining eye health, so it will be fresh eye, vision becomes sharp and protected from disease of the eye.

7. Maintain Healthy Skin
The content of vitamin C and vitamin E present in mango juice has the ability to maintain healthy skin for a healthier skin, smooth, moist, bright and tight.

8. Lowering Cholesterol Evil
All the content of nutrients and compounds present in mango juice serves to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, so avoid the risk of hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

9. Increase Energy
If feel weak and tired when the move should eat a mango juice because it constitutes a complex carbohydrate content that is useful to add to the energy needed by the body when on the move.

10. Healthy Brain and Body
Other benefits mango juice can make the body become more healthy as well as folic acid content in it has the ability to nourish the brain and can improve brain performance.

To get all the benefits of mango juice is highly recommended to consume no sugar added. Natural sugar content contained in it has been able to make the juice tasted sweet.