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8 Benefits of Fruitstar For Healthy Body |
Starfruit is a type of fruit that has a high water content so that it feels fresh when consumed. There are many types of carambola, star fruit include sweet, sour star fruit, starfruit bangkok (large sized) and many more. Although the workshop is tasty and fresh fruit for consumption, but does not make the leatherback popular as other local fruits.
Most people do not like star fruit to be eaten directly, so starfruit more processed into a variety of refreshing drinks and is also used as a flavor enhancer in the food component. In fact, if further reviews starfruit has nutrients that are not less good with other local fruit, so it is very unfortunate if there are many people who do not like it.
This is evidenced by information taken from various sources. The site revealed that the star fruit are high vitamin C content of approximately 45% - 57%. There are the content of other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, minerals, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and fiber content has fitronutrien (gallic acid, epicatechin, quercetin). Star fruit also has a low calorie content in 100 grams because there are only starfruit calorie content by 31 kcal.
because all the nutrients that are owned by this star fruit, makes this fruit has many benefits for health. For more details, let's look also some benefits for health eating star fruit, including:
Preventing Cancer Cell Growth
High content of vitamin C in the starfruit can be used to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Reduce Cholesterol Levels in Blood Evil
Pectin substances in it have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood because the pectin can bind cholesterol and remove bile acids as their secretions. [2]
Digestive System launched
High fiber content in these fruits can help the digestive system in the body that is free from the risk of constipation and bowel obstruction.
Maintaining Healthy Skin
The content of antioxidants in it consisting of flavonoids, vitamin E and vitamin A can maintain skin health by counteracting the effects of free radicals role of sun exposure.
Maintain Eye Health
Although the star fruit does not have high levels of vitamin A content, but the fruit can also be consumed to maintain eye health and improve vision.
Preventing and Overcoming Disease Anemia
Anemia is a disease caused by the body has red blood cells are less. Consuming leatherback can be used as a solution because it constitutes an iron content which can be used to produce red blood cells in large quantities.
Can Lose Weight
Earlier, we explained that the star fruit is a fruit that has a little calorie content so that they can lose weight and can be consumed as a complement to a healthy diet.
Boost Immune System
The content of vitamin C in it can enhance the human immune system. This is due to the high content of vitamin C in the star fruit can help the formation of white blood cells that function as anti-immune or immune system.
In addition to delicious to eat and have many benefits, starfruit is also not a seasonal fruit so it is easy to obtain. To get this fruit does not need to spend a lot of money, because it's per kilo priced at a relatively cheap price. However, if you want to consume this fruit at any time suggested to plant their own tree at home perkarangan. Caring for star fruit is not difficult and complicated to do. If the rainy season, star fruit trees do not need watering every day because if too many get water easily fall out of star fruit and perishable.